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Ensuring more teachers, classes and experiences for all Lake Oswego students. With your help we can make a difference. Learn more and get involved.

Teacher in green sweater teaching elementary students
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LOSD Budget Shortfall for the 2025-26 School Year

LOSD is facing a budget shortfall and we encourage you to take action. The Lake Oswego Schools Foundation is the only fundraising organization that goes to teaching positions. All donations go directly to teaching positions and are 100% tax deductible. Learn more about LOSD's budget challenges HERE.

Our community has always been a cornerstone of strength in challenging times, and your support makes a difference.

  • $12M Budget Shortfall: Lake Oswego Schools face a significant state funding gap.

  • Protect Teaching Positions: Donations to the Lake Oswego Schools Foundation help retain more teachers.

  • 100% for Teachers: Every dollar donated to the Foundation goes directly to funding teaching positions.

  • Urgency: Donations today will fund staffing next year.

  • Strong Schools = Strong Community: Encourage family, friends, and neighbors to donate; it’s All Hands on Deck!

Here are some ways you can help:

Coach Cho - Basketball Foundation Fundraiser Clinic

Join Coach Cho and staff for two clinics offered for 1st through 5th grades to support teachers and schools. All proceeds will benefit the Lake Oswego Schools Foundation whose mission is to fund teaching positions in the Lake Oswego School District.

Two locations: 

  • Forest Hills on March 10

  • River Grove on March 17

  • Sign Up: HERE

A BIG Thank You to Coach Cho and Staff, as well as all attendees, for supporting the Foundation!

Our Mission: We fund teaching positions.

All Gifts Help Support Our Schools!

Your contributions go a long way. Foundation support is a big reason why Lake Oswego schools have consistently ranked number one in the state, and among the top in the nation. With your gifts the Foundation provides to each and every student in the Lake Oswego School District:

  • More teachers and educational experience than what state and local taxes can provide
  • Teachers for music, reading, art, science and technology
  • Music instruction for every elementary student K-5
  • Additional reading support for students with greater needs in K-2
  • Greater exposure in in grades 6-12 to electives such as Robotics, Architecture, Oceanography, Performing Arts, to name just a few!

We need your support to continue to provide our kids the incredible education Lake Oswego offers. Please consider a gift or pledge your support today. Thank you!

Colored pencils

Our Impact This Year

  • People Helped


  • Volunteer Hours


  • Dollars Raised


Give Love This Valentine’s Day

Ah, Valentine’s Day. With pink hearts floating around everywhere, chocolate on every shelf and couples swooning, love is in the air. For some, Valentine’s Day is the perfect chance to remind their sweet significant other how much they love them. For others, Valentine’s Day can be a frustrating holiday filled with reminders of icky, annoying romantic love.

No matter which side of the spectrum you fall on, one thing is clear: Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to live a more altruistic lifestyle. Valentine’s Day can be more than just romantic love, but true, kind, caring love for your neighbors and those in need. How can you lead a more altruistic life this week? Here’s how you can give love to others this Valentine’s Day.


1. Deliver valentines.

For some, Valentine’s Day can be a difficult time, reminding them of loved ones lost. Help spread some love this Valentine’s Day with your family by creating unique valentines to give out to others. Spend some time in arts and crafts and really make them shine with kind, caring words of encouragement. Then, give the valentines out to others—such as your neighbors, those in your community or those living in local shelters. You and your family will have fun making the valentines, and you’ll have an even better time giving them out to brighten other people’s days.


2. Buy gifts that give back.

We get it: Valentine’s Day involves a lot of gifts. There’s gifts for your significant other, of course, but maybe you’re the type of person who also likes to give Valentine’s gifts to your mom, or your kids, just for fun. If you’re a big Valentine’s Day gift giver, then consider choosing a more altruistic route and buying gifts that give back. For instance, choose fair trade gifts, that ensure those who make them earn a living wage; or, consider a charity gift card, which gives a portion of your purchases to a nonprofit organization. Or, donate to your partner’s favorite local charity and help make a difference in his or her name.


3. Go red and give blood.

We all know that red tends to be a favorite color during the Valentine’s Day season. This week, show how much you care about others by really going red and give blood. According to the American Red Cross, your donation can actually save up to three lives. That’s a whole lot of love to give this Valentine’s Day. 


4. Pay it forward.

If you want to spread love that keeps on giving, pay it forward this week. Do something kind for a stranger that can’t be paid back, and ask them to pay it forward to another stranger in the future. For example, try paying for someone’s coffee in line behind you, or pick up the tab for a couple at the restaurant. Ask them to pay it forward and know that your good deed will not go unnoticed as it ripples throughout the community.


5. Volunteer with a cause.

Finally, one significant way to give love this Valentine’s Day is by volunteering with a cause you care about. After the holiday season cools off, a lot of nonprofit organizations can struggle trying to find more volunteers or raise other donations. You can help make an impact by getting involved with an organization in your community this week and for weeks to come. Celebrate your Valentine’s Day the altruistic way by showing others in need you care.


Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to just be about romantic love. This Valentine’s Day, live an altruistic lifestyle by giving love to others around you. Whether it’s through giving gifts, getting involved or going to help, you can make a difference in your community and spread love to everyone this week. 

Teacher reading to students
  • Maxine Walkenhorst, Lake Oswego
    Maxine Walkenhorst, Lake Oswego

    I am proud to be part of making our schools great for kids through the Lake Oswego Schools Foundation.

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